
 Are you a steward of sustainability?

You get a 30% federal tax credit as soon as you invest with us and the solar installation is completed. An additional tax benefit of ~30% is realized during the first 6 years through an accelerated depreciation tax shield. These two tax benefits of ~60% do not depend on receiving cash flow from the energy user (Property Owner). The remaining 40% of your investment will be reduced by the revenue generated from the Property Owner, buying electricity from us.

  1. The sale of electricity for a fixed rate to the property owner generates a long-term revenue stream.

  2. Over the years we learned which constellations, contractual clauses and products work and which raise red flags with banks and other financial institutions involved. We have the experience to navigate this complex landscape, avoid pitfalls, and complete projects. Our package of legal documents we developed is bulletproof and bankable.

  3. You don’t have to invest in just one project. Your investment can be spread out over several installations. We diversify and reduce your and our risk.
    Another component of our risk management strategy is to engage vetted and tested local partners, components and system designs. Plus, we have a strong team to support you, and we make all our decisions transparent with complete project finance support and solutions, including documentation, presentation and financial modeling.

  4. We work with experienced local installers. They are great advocates for Sunforce Solutions in their community as they are part of the social fabric. We assure quality projects by using a third party engineering company to verify engineering plans and commissioning reports. Plus, we only use proven, high quality components that have been applied in previous installations around the country.

  5. The household-sized solar market is well developed already. On the other extreme, there are utility sized systems which entail massive investments.

We target the underdeveloped medium sized market. This segment is underdeveloped due to its various customer types and one-off investment character. We provide the solution to unlock its virtually unlimited potential.

How Does It Work?

  1. ~60% tax benefits over 6 years.

  2. High unlevered return.

  3. Streamlined and transparent legal and financial processes.

  4. Risk diversification.
    Your investment spread over 3 - 8 or more projects.

  5. Third party engineering company to verify engineering plans and commissioning reports supports local installers for added bankability.

  6. Unlock the tremendous growth opportunities of the commercial and industrial solar market.