Are you a local installer looking for PPA financing?

If you are installing small- to medium-sized complete systems for private, commercial, non-profit, and government clients, we can expand your market from cash paying customers to third party financing customers by relieving you from the legal headaches of drafting PPAs, lease agreements and finding alternative financing solutions. Let us do it, and your projects will be bankable and become reality.

  1. We help you approach bigger clients with our online and offline tools that make it easy to explain how they will have to pay nothing upfront and realize savings on their electricity bill.

  2. You focus on your core competencies: design, engineering, permitting and construction. We support you during the entire process and take care of financial and legal hurdles to ensure that you have a bankable project.

We even help you train your staff. Our standardized contracts ensure a successful collaboration.

How Does It Work?

  1. Expand your business.
    Hire and train more people.

  2. Increase your impact.
    Build more and larger solar systems.

  3. Focus on your strengths. We do the rest.
    Financing, contracts, liabilities, warranties, engineering, proven components and designs.